Terms of Use
Thank you for visiting Rokucomsupport.com. When you access our site, you confirm to agree fully with the terms and conditions listed for using the services by Rokucomsupport.com.By using this site, you accept that the Terms forms a legal binding agreement between you and Rokucomsupport.com. You may use our site for gaining information or guidance which is required for streaming gadgets and may contact us only for the purposes of getting our service. Use of Rokucomsupport.com including the in-house resources beyond the accepted terms is prohibited.
Rokucomsupport.com’s primary service is to deliver information about Roku products and help users in maximising the user experience. However, we shall not be held liable for information that is inaccurate or failure to deliver information including improper delivery of information between Rokucomsupport.com and the visitors.
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For any disputes arising between Rokucomsupport.com and users, the respective laws in the states shall form the base for governing these disputes. The cause of action for the use of this Site must be commenced within one year after the claim or cause of action arises.
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Rokucomsupport.com or any party associated with Rokucomsupport.com shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from your use or inability to use this site. This protection shall cover all such claims, damages and losses which may rise from providing guidance.
Privacy policy
Read the Privacy Policy to understand that it forms an integral part of Terms and Conditions by covering the personal information of visitors or any information submitted to Rokucomsupport.com with reference to service provision.Learn more on the Privacy Policy for more details
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Miscellaneous information
When the terms and conditions conflicts with court’s legislation regarding the jurisdiction of the parties, the party’s original intentions will be ascertained by law. If there is failure to assert any right under these Terms by either party, it will not be considered to be a waiver of that party’s right, and the said right will remain in full force and effect.